Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Has anyone missed me?

I've been at my parents' house for the last week. My sister graduated from high school and my brother graduated from college; it has been a busy time, filled with parties and seeing family and old friends.

A few stories:

  • My Great-Aunt Alice tried to feed Starbeans a spoonful of frosting from the graduation cake. It was like a scene out of a movie: her giant hand moving towards his face in slow motion - Starbeans gleefully opening his mouth to it like a little bird - and me, shrieking and holding him back from it like it was a poison death-draught. Literally. Shrieking. She said, "Oh, he doesn't eat frosting?" and I said, "He's never had sugar in his whole life!" She said, "Oh," and withdrew the demon spoon.
  • I swear there is a graduate from Western Washington University named, "Invisible Swanson Johnson". I swear it. My sister heard Melissa, but I'm sticking with Invisible.
  • Starbeans has learned to bite; I now say, "No biting" several times a day. He responds with a complaining whine: he definitely knows what NO means.
  • My mom's horse, Smokey, rubbed the hair and skin off his hind-end scratching himself on a tree. She's treating him with anti-bacterial soap and Bag Balm. Poor thing.
  • All of my siblings, as well as my parents, grandparents, and aunts were nutso about his Royal Sweetness - that is, Starbeans. He enjoyed their affectionate attention (I did too).
  • I ate 4-5 avocados during the visit. My mom stocked up for my brother Brent to make guacamole, but guess who got to them first? Whoopsie.

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