Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Starbeans, almost 18 months, has discovered his love for cars, trucks, tractors, and snow plows this past weekend. He has loved buses for awhile and will breathlessly declare, "Buhhh!" whenever he sees one, but the other 4-wheeled vehicles have been practically ignored until a few days ago. Now he totes around any combination of toy cars or tractors and affectionately wheels them around with excellent sound affects:


It really amazes me. Where did this little boy come from? And why, on earth, does he like vehicles of all kinds? It is unbearably cute. I find myself searching the horizons for cars or trucks and then rapturously proclaiming, "Look, Starbeans...a truck!"

I wonder if a little girl would be attracted to that kind of thing? We certainly didn't push it on him: his interest seems very natural. Why trucks? Why tractors? What about tea cups? It is just so fascinating. I'm excited about all his potential obsessions; and if he's anything like his dad, they will be numerous and intense in nature. I hope he likes dinosaurs and outer-space! I've been stocking up on those kinds of kids' books since before he was born. This, of course, is in addition to a plethora of other books: thrift stores are an invaluable resource for children's books. Gotta love 'em!

1 comment:

  1. Baby E loves toy vehicles and makes the sound effects, too. Isn't it fun watching them play?
