Monday, June 18, 2007

Living amongst the boxes

Our house is starting to feel less like home, now that we have boxes piled around everywhere. All of our wall-hangings are down, the lamps are packed, and we are down to the bare essentials in the kitchen. It doesn't feel very comfy.

I will be 22 weeks on Wednesday. I'm getting rounder, more rotund, and I'm pretty sure the baby has sleep/wake patterns established. I am also feeling less comfortable and quite fatigued by the end of the day. This is probably because of the amount of work and stress we are under. It makes sense. I hope things go back to normal after our move; although it may take weeks and months to get settled. Not to mention culture shock. I expect there to be plenty of that.

I've been watching homebirths on YouTube over the last month. It thrills me. The women are always in the final stages of pushing, the most exciting part. I wish I could have watched myself give birth, although I probably wouldn't have paid much attention if I could have (at the time, at least). Have I ever told you that in the final stages of pushing with Starbeans, I felt like I was in a dark tunnel with stars whizzing by? No joke. I was so focused that I couldn't hear anyone around me, I couldn't see anything except the tunnel, and between pushes I would come back to reality in a kind of bizarre way. It was so interesting. I hope to give birth in the squatting position this time around; it looks like a very natural position to do so. Last time, I was in a bed and pulling on a sheet with my feet propped up on bars, which felt just right. It will be interesting to see what happens this time, especially with the freedom of being at home. I am really looking forward to it. I am so glad I'm a female!!

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