Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The toothbrush solution

I am finally able to brush Starbeans' teeth. Finally! I've been trying for probably a year, but he keeps that snapper shut. I haven't wanted to turn it into some kind of traumatic situation, so he'll equate brushing his teeth with some kind of terrible experience, so I've been pretty laid back throughout this whole time -- trying to get in now and then, but not going overboard and turning it into a nightmare for both of us. [By the by, Squeeze used to take weekends and summers off from brushing his teeth when he was a kid. Gack!!]

He "brushes" his teeth twice a day, during his morning bath and before he goes to bed. [I give him unfluoridated toothpaste, so I don't have to worry about him eating it; I feel much more secure that way. Tom's of Maine Silly Strawberry.] He loves brushing his teeth himself, which mostly consists of him chomping on the brush and pretending to spit. But until this week, I've had only a handful of opportunities to brush those pearly whites myself. And I am so pleased to announce that I finally found a tactic that works!

The solution:

I found a kiddie toothbrush at our co-op in Minneapolis this weekend. It is small, cute, and the package had a butterfly on it (which he loved). So, for the last few days, I've been giving him his old toothbrush, which has a bear on it, for him to brush his own teeth first. It is totally mangled and probably worthless because he's chewed on it so much, but it's his toothbrush. Like he knows the difference! After he loses interest, I get out his new butterfly brush, act all excited, and tell him that this is the toothbrush I'm going to brush his teeth now, with his (gasp!) new butterfly toothbrush!!! How thrilling!

He totally buys it.

He has let me brush his teeth twice a day since I tried it, and I've even gotten a little chunk of oatmeal out and said, "See this food? That is why we brush our teeth -- to make them clean!" (He smiled in response and actually looked interested and proud.) It works on two different levels, as well: because he can't chomp the new toothbrush to smithereens, it is effective in the actual cleaning of his teeth (unlike the old one, which could be cleaning faucets right now).

I am so pleased. I really hope this isn't just a 3 day fluke. Mamas, don't tell me it is!

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