Tuesday, September 25, 2007

First simple sentence

I'm fairly certain that Starbeans said his first simple sentence this morning. All parts were there, nothing was dropped. He said,

Pickles taste good.

Isn't that the cutest? He spotted the pickle jar in the refrigerator when I was starting to make breakfast, so I gave him one and sat him down in his chair while I worked. Pickles taste good is what he said when he was finished. And I agree, pickles definitely taste good.

Before this, he's been saying things like:

  • Read books. Upstairs.
  • Baby kittens. Drinking mama's milk.
  • Cars, trucks.
  • Hungry, Mama.
  • Apple tree. [As in, let's go see the apple tree.]
  • Have it! [When he wants something.]
  • Wash dishes. [He loves "washing" dishes.]
  • Washing machine. Diapers.
  • Hi Gwampa, hi Gwamma.
  • Potty on toilet.
  • Love you.

And so on and so forth. Pickles pushed the old boy over the edge, into the land of complete sentences. Interestingly, pickles were always a big thing in my family too. In fact, they were such a hot commodity at our house that in high school, one of my brothers would buy them for himself and write his name on the jar so no one else would touch it. I used to have Guess the Number games with my brothers at the Kid's Table at family parties, where a pickle was the prize. I guess it must run in the blood, because Starbeans has loved pickles from the very start. Num.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Congratulations. Baby E's favorite sentence right now is, "I need mihk." Followed by, "It's nummy mihk, Mommy."
