Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Baby-addled brains

Towards the end of her last pregnancy, Janell @ The Paris Project talked about her "baby-addled brains". I laughed at the time, because she described it to accurately; but now, I laugh and shriek, "Eeeeeekgh! Enough already!!" Seriously: enough. And I'm not even overdue. Tomorrow is 38 weeks. If I were Squeeze's mom and pregnant with him, I'd be looking at another 6 weeks. I am NOT kidding. He was 1 month overdue. She said that by the end of that month, she couldn't respond verbally or even smile courteously to the "You're still pregnant??" comments. I can't even imagine. On the other hand, if I deliver with similar timing as my pregnancy with Starbeans, I'd be delivering in under a week.


The midwife and her apprentices were here again this morning, as well as Thelma Cheddar and a troop of Cheddar women and children. She is 2 weeks ahead of me, not 1: today was her due date. There was another apprentice here as well: Rachel, who is around 20 years old. She hasn't come to all the appointments, but I've seen her a few times. I really like it that Judy is working with apprentices: we need more midwives in this part of the world! Judy sees women in South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska. She puts insane amounts of miles on her car. I can't even imagine how much time she spends in the car. Kara is from Iowa and Rachel is from the very SW corner of Minnesota.

Anyway, vaginally-speaking, my yeast has been obliterated by the douching change of tactic. Systemically speaking, I think I still have work to do; but the most important thing at this point is to keep the baby yeast-free. That was very good news: I felt quite relieved. Secondly - also a point of relief, they all thought that the baby had moved lower. We are getting closer to actual delivery.

Is there anything else to talk about?? Baby-addled: that's me.
I seriously need to go to bed. I am totally and completely wiped out.

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