Monday, October 15, 2007

It's official

I have the pregnant woman waddle.

The ligaments in my lower belly are stretched to the max, my hips are loosening, and my left groin is spasming like a curled up hedgehog. I think the groin spasms are related to the position of the baby; while they get worse at night, specifically when I'm walking, I've also noticed that it happens when I'm lying in bed and I can feel the baby moving. It's head must be pinching or touching a nerve. It hurts like crazy.

In public, people have asked me when I am due throughout the course of small talk conversations. When I've said, 2 1/2, 2, and now 1 1/2 weeks, no one believes me! I'm not big enough, they say. But I tell them, this baby is filling up the whole space. And it is, seriously. Little heels poking out on the upper-right side of my belly, kicking on my ribs, and pressing down on my cervix. There just isn't much room left. It will be very interesting to see how much this babe weighs. Starbeans was 8 lb 3 oz. I was my mom's first babe, at 9 lb 8 oz. Two brothers were 10 lb 9 oz and 10 lb 2 oz, 1 brother was 9 lbs 2 oz, and my sister, the behemoth, was 11 lb 14 oz. Can you imagine?? My mom is about 5'7, but people stop her on the street and ask her if she's a body builder: she's as tough as nails. She's strong and stout, like her dad. A solid Norwegian. I have my dad's body (who has his dad's body).


  1. I had that same killer groin pain at the end of my pregnancies. People said it was the sciatic nerve. Whatever it was made it very painful to walk for about 3 days with Jackson and with Annika it was intense, but fleeting. Hang in there!

  2. i had the sciatic nerve gig for the last week too. i thought when he was born it would go away, but it took me another week to start icing it and then i had some relief. this time i just have the pressure....

  3. Alas, it is terrible. Today is worse that yesterday. I've hit a major wall that will not be torn down until this baby COMES OUT. I cannot wait (to be freed).
