Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Little One

Pumpkin is already 4 months old. How does this happen? He is making all kinds of noises: ah-ooo, goo, ghhhh, and ooooo. He is laughing a lot, extremely ticklish, and keeps an eagle eye on Starbeans and all his shenanagins. He also grabs hold of anything that his hand touches: mostly his other hand or pant legs; but I've also noticed that if I'm holding up upright and his hand touches mine, he'll grab my fingers and instantly shove them in his mouth.

He loves standing upright on the washing machine (our changing table) during a diaper change. He smiles and grins and bounces up and down. He also often pees on me from this position. Doh! If Starbeans is in the room, his head is cranked in whatever direction he is and giving him big grins and the old "ah-oooo!" Starbeans responds with a lot of baby-talk cooing (like what Squeeze and I do) and that gets Pumpkin cooing all the more.

It love seeing them interact with each other. When I am talking to them about each other, I say things like, "What is big brother doing?" or "Look at baby brother!" I like saying so many B's. Buh-buh-baby-brother!


  1. So Precious! I love hearing about how he's growing! Starbeans must LOVE that Pumpkin is starting to interact more.
