Tuesday, March 18, 2008

One, two, three [things]

Hooray! I just finished my order for Pumpkin's Birth Announcement pictures; while I was at it, I ordered a bunch of pictures for both his and Starbeans' baby journals. Yesssssssssssss. I love journals and/or daybooks with the accompaniment of photos: it adds such depth when looking back. I can imagine that when they are older they will read them with even more intrigue because of it.

Secondly, I am so pleased: I actually got a chance to read a few chapters on chicken keeping this afternoon. I have to admit; amidst the excitement, the reality of how much work it is going to be coupled with our lack of experience is a little intimidating. It sounds like a lot of work from this side of the fence. Nonetheless, we will proceed. We can do it, yes we can!

And finally, look at this darling picture. Pumpkin and I were squealing together at our reflection in the mirror the other night. Isn't he just a scream? He was loving it.


  1. Hahahahaha... That picture is excellent! I just love it. Pumpkin is getting so big!
    Chicken keeping, on the other hand, would be a bit intimidating. I'm sure you will do fine and that your little boys will absolutely adore those chickens. It will be a lot of fun this summer.

  2. Great picture! He sure is getting big!

    So you guys are getting chickens? I'm sure you've seen some of our adventures of getting chickens. It's sooo rewarding. It's a lot of work initially, getting set up. But I can almost guarantee that once you guys are all set up with good fencing and coop, you will love it! And your boys will adore them! If you have any questions, please send them my way!


  3. I was going to add that I literally only spend minutes a day tending the chickens, they are so low maintenance once you get all set up :)

  4. Yes you can! Chickens will be so well worth it. I am green with envy .. but will celebrate your victory. My dad grew up tending to his chickens as a child - when his parents bought a farm, not wanting their four boys to grow "lazy". Great fun for your boys. Make sure you post pictures of your new chicks!
