Friday, March 14, 2008

More disgusting fly-related surprises

  • It was a beautiful 52 degrees on Monday.
  • I opened the backdoor to hear a loud orchestrated buzzing noise, as if bees were swarming.
  • I thought, "Hmmm...that's strange."
  • Later, I looked out the backdoor and there, in the sun, were hundreds of disgusting flies wiggling and buzzing and hopping around in the warmth of the sun on the grass.
  • It gave me the heebie-jeebies.
  • I've been vacuuming up dozens of flies everyday from the window upstairs that receives a southern exposure. They swarm to it. When it gets cold, they all lay on their backs and wiggle their legs; then, when it warms up, they are back to rubbing their filthy little legs together and buzzing around. Gak!
  • I am swatting 15-20 flies in the main part of the house every day.
  • Starbeans is squishing them with his fingers if they fly low enough. EEEEEEEK!!!
  • I think we need to get a sticky fly trap. I've seen them in rural houses before and always thought they were atrociously grotesque and wondered how people could keep them in their homes. Well...I'm discovering it is much, much better than the alternative: which is flies roaming free indoors.
  • When I look at their furry little bodies, against my will, I often imagine myself crunching down on them between my teeth. I have no idea where that comes from, but it is sick. SICK, I tell you.
  • I find this all very revolting.

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad for you. :) Did you find anything in your internet research? IMagine if you got one of those big lights inside your house and the flies were constantly getting zapped?
    Good luck.
