Tuesday, March 04, 2008

An unpleasant surprise

Flies. Disgusting flies.

I thought they were bad last summer, but little did I know - we'd never be rid of them. Fly Season, as they call it, is in the autumn months, when the weather starts getting colder and the flies are looking for warmer living quarters, i.e. - people's homes. We never owned a fly swatter until we moved to the Rolling Prairies. Literally. It wasn't required. Here, is it an important weapon of choice in the war against pests.

Errrrgh!! Flies really gross me out, especially in the house.

Un-un-unfortunately, we have now learned that Fly Season doesn't quite end with the cold winter months. With the warmer weather we have recently had (in the 30's F), flies in great numbers have been resurrected: from where, we do not know. I've been swatting those disgusting things on a daily basis - perhaps 5-10 a day? Where are they coming from??? It is sick - SICK, I tell you. I haven't researched flies online yet, but...I will. [I just shuddered as I typed that.]

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