Friday, May 16, 2008

Dat naughty fox

Remember the naughty Gingerbread Man, who was able to outrun everyone who wanted to eat him - except for the sly fox? Squeeze's aunt is in the area for a visit and stopped by last night with a vintage copy of The Gingerbread Man for Starbeans. It is the original version, not watered down like The Gingerbread Baby (who gets to live in his gingerbread house when it is all said and done).

We read it this morning and it left Starbeans visibly upset.

"Dat fox is not good!" he said.

He kept on repeating "Dat fox is not good" over and over when I asked him why, until he finally said, "I gonna kill dat fox. Dat fox is naughty. He ate the strawberry!" The picture we were looking at was the fox licking his lips after eating up the Gingerbread Man. I was confused by the fact that Starbeans thought the fox had eaten a strawberry and slightly distressed that he said he was going to KILL the fox. I mean, I know he doesn't truly understands what it means to He'll be three in July!

He's seen Doctor WHO with his daddy, where monsters and robots get taken out; he's watched Ultraman with his daddy, where monsters regularly get their booties kicked - and we've been talking about how Outside Bay (the cat who claimed us as her own) has been killing birds and eating them. Television? Testosterone?

I'm sure this kill talk is...normal...? Say it's so!


  1. It is so. We don't do any guns etc and still at a very young age somehow my boys managed to find out what guns were and make their sandwich crusts into the shape of them and shoot each other. Good grief. At least Starbeans was defending the helpless. :)

  2. I used to think this was just a boys-who-watch-Saturday-morning-cartoons thing. But no. It's an every-single-boy-in-the-world thing. I recently had an older, wiser friend console me by saying, "Don't worry, Jackson will soon get over his current 'bang, bang, shoot 'em up' approach to life."

  3. I can't help but laugh out loud at this post. I know nothing about what's normal but I imagine it is. and it's pretty funny--especially with the "dat. :)
