Friday, May 30, 2008

When it rains, it pours

  • Kitchen torn up (5 days, going on 6)
  • Kitchen and bathroom inaccessible for the weekend
  • This includes locking up the cats while the floor dries
  • and probably pooping in buckets
  • Our car just got out of the shop yesterday
  • Ignition switch replacement - gone since last Thursday
  • Lawn mower petered out last week [but after some tinkering, our neighbor's help, and an oil change - we're back!]
  • Feeding/watering neighboring sheep herd next week
  • Finish garden planting
  • Thirty baby chicks arrived safe and well this morning, peeping their little lungs out
  • They're all hunkered down under heat lamps, making contented musical peeping noises and napping like the sweet little babies they are

Like my paternal grandparents said when we hatched this hair brained idea to prep and sell our house, move to the country, and have a baby all in the same year: "Good thing you're young!"

Yes, indeed.


  1. I'm definitely waiting for some pictures of those baby chicks!

  2. That's so funny, I was just going to write the same thing ... Hoping we get to see pictures of the baby chicks soon. All across America, we are waiting....

  3. I've taken a few pictures, but they are under a red heat lamp, so they have all turned out really funny and/or just plain ugly. I'll try and get some good shots and share the love. They are so peeping adorable!
