Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tender love for baby pancakes

Me: Do you want the Baby Pancake?
[Holding the littlest pancake up to show Starbeans]

Starbeans: Yeah!

Me: Okay, do you want syrup on it?

Starbeans: Noooooo! That might hurt it!

Me: Hurt it...?

Starbeans: Don't cut it up! That might hurt the Baby Pancake too.

Me: Okay...but how are you going to eat it...?

Starbeans: I just gonna bite it.

Me: Ohhhhh...okay.
[Big smile, happy heart]

Starbeans: Mwararararsmacksmackguuuuulp!
[Wolfing it down like a little puppy]

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