Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Growing pains [for mama]

December 2007
2 months old

Pulling himself to a stand at the play table today

My sweet Pumpkin is almost 9 months old. Crawling, putting himself back to a sitting position from his hands and knees, pulling himself up to his knees, and now, just today, pulling himself up to a standing position (all for the love of T-O-Y-S, of course).

How does this happen?! Weren't you just born? Wasn't it just last week that you were just a sweet lump of newborn? Pumpkin's first year seems to be speeding by so much more quickly that Starbeans'. He'll be standing by himself soon, then walking, then saying his first word, then and then and then and then. Amazing.

He loves cats, his mama [he is obsessed with me], watching his brother's antics, rolling rocks around in his mouth, licking on his brother's freezer pop [all the rage around here this summer, I might add], be-bopping to music, and displaying massively enthusiastic wiggles when Squeeze walks in the door each evening. We lauvf dis baby!

His sweet-ness is my weak-ness

[with due respect to MC Hammer]

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