Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I can't tell

I am thirty years old, turning thirty-one this fall. As I get a bit older, it seems like my faults and short-comings are amplified. I can't tell if this is because 1) I'm actually getting worse, or 2) I am mature enough to recognize my issues much more quickly. That aside, I still feel like I am floundering in my own short-falls. Creating change is hard; but I suppose recognizing the problem is the first step.

Has anyone else noticed this?


  1. Hmmm, I think the children are what really cause me to see my weaknesses, especially when they come out of their mouths or in their actions! :)

  2. Funny, I was going to write the same thing. Being young and single with few cares in the world and only your concerns, cares and needs to worry about is easy (in hindsight). However, the beauty of marriage and children is that it is Character Building. Until now, you just haven't been stretched and challenged in this way. It is tough work. Recently my boys have been going through a bickering stage that is driving me bananas. Patience. Patience. Patience. Whew. Keep at it Girl.
