Thursday, July 31, 2008

Quirk – noun: a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism

Nutmegg[mama] tagged me. I enjoyed reading her Quirks so much that I've decided to do my own. I tag anyone who is interested in completing their own - leave a comment so I can come and look at your list. It is actually a lot of fun, to consider little tidbits about oneself that others might not know.

Six Unspectacular Quirks:

Quirk #1:
My mother still buys my underwear. I am 30 years old, the mother of two, and have been married for almost 8 years; but aside from my pregnancy underwear, the only ones I've ever worn [and worn out, I might add] have come from my mother. I can't find comfortable underwear on my own. I've tried! My friends have tried!! It is impossible. Thanks Muver.

Quirk #2:
I don't feel completely clean unless I've brushed my teeth during a shower. I started brushing my teeth in the shower during my teenage years and have never looked back.

Quirk #3:
While reading to Diego, I often find myself wistfully wishing that children's books were, in fact, reality. The world is so beautiful, all the problems are resolved, and something interesting is always happening. I wish I could blur the lines between reality and children's fiction.

Quirk #4:
I can't watch too many compilations of music videos and/or live footage of certain bands without developing a major crush on one of them. Examples: The Cure - Robert Smith, The Beatles - Paul McCartney, Depeche Mode - Martin L. Gore, Led Zeppelin - Robert Plant, David Bowie, Spinal Tap - Nigel Tufnel. Oh dear.

Quirk #5:
I often just sit and stare at the books on our bookshelves, thinking mostly about their spines, pages, the feel of the paper, and how pretty they look in a line. I'll think about whether I've read them or not as well, but mostly just get a thrill out of their composition. I also get dreamy planning on either reading or re-reading them.

Quirk #6:
I get stuck on jags where I sing the same song everyday, all day. Sometime they can change from day-to-day, other times I will be singing them for a week. I sing them so much that Diego starts singing them with me. Recent examples: Wade in the Water, She'll be Coming 'Round the Mountain, Carefully - Carefully - CAREFUL, L-Y, and Oranges Smoranges.

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