Sunday, September 07, 2008


I've just finished with a block of the worst two weeks of my life. I think we're in the clear (for the most part), but I'm still emotionally flinching. A tad dramatic, maybe - but terrible nonetheless.

Consider the following combination:
  • Transitioning back to "real life", with
  • An amped-up preschooler filled with overzealous jealousy of his newly mobile and interactive baby brother, resulting in
  • Attacks on baby brother and general unrest and upheaval, added to
  • Grappling with the reality of our current agricultural system and the [unfortunate] direct affect it has on our lives, i.e.,
  • My husband was misted by pesticides by a crop-duster [airplane] while standing near the back door of our home on a pleasant Monday evening, which leads to
  • The grievous questioning of our life and choices, like, "What are we going to do?" and "Why did we move here?" and "How could we have not known?" and "With a problem of this magnitude, what can one even do?"

It has been a tough couple of weeks, complete with zombie-like staring at 3:00 am and copious amounts of tears shed. This, my friends, is why you have heard little from me.


  1. I think you should put a big banner on the top of one of your barns reading: DONT SPRAY ON ME!!
    It's amazing to me that there aren't bigger restrictions / rules regarding this. Wow.

  2. I like the banner idea actually...what did you feel like you knew or didn't know moving in? What if you gathered likeminded people in your community to stand up against it? Nothing can be done alone--come on Erin B. :)

  3. Hugs! I so dislike those down times in our lives! Good luck with your decisions and good luck with the boys! Having two is so fun and great...but at times it is so trying and impossible! I especially understand that one...hence the reason I'm sending you happy thoughts and lots of will-power! :) There isn't any other way through it!

  4. Hey, its Kristina from Bethel. I can so relate to your issues with your son, forget terrible twos, its when they turn three that they go berzerk! I have a 3 year old son that I'm equally as frustrated with at times. Hang in there. By the way, I've been reading your blog for a while (through Emily's) and I love it. I especially loved reading your birth story.

  5. Sandy & Em: Thanks for the empathy on this crap. It is so ridiculous, it is hard to even wrap my mind around. I'm sure I'll be raving about this in future posts. I am so knocked-flat right now that I don't have the energy. Go figure.

    Danielle & Kristina: Thanks for the encouragement - it is so good to be in ranks with every other mother with children this age. I know I'm not alone, but MAN! is it hard to remember sometimes.

    I'm so glad you enjoyed my birth story, Kristina! It warms the cockles of my heart to know that. =)
