Monday, September 15, 2008

My babies and the schickens

Baby Truen, my little Pumpkin
This baby loves tomatoes
He signs "milk", "more", and "eat"
All subtle variations of "milk", but I know what he means

Diego, who loves "buggggzzzz"
and snakes and salamaders
He'll take anyone who is willing out for a hunt

Our "schickens", as Diego calls them
No more peeping, they are clucking like grown-ups now
They should start laying sometime in October or November


  1. So cute! I mean the boys and the shickens :) So do you know how many roosters/hens you ended up with? I heard a rooster crowing this morning and I think it was our young "hen" :( Oh well, at least if it is a rooster it's a nice one.

  2. Jenni, hey! We think that a little over half of them are cockerels, which will leave us with 10-12 hens. I think. It is hard to tell when there are so many and they are always running around acting all chicken-y. The males aren't harassing the females yet, so they've got time. We're gonna eat 'em, eventually. (Which kind of bothers me, actually.)
