Monday, December 29, 2008


I have finally reached the domain of recipe-tinkering in my Kitchen Skill Set (to slang around some corporate jargon). It feels so good! My journey to 100% scratch cooking has been in process for 4-5 years now - before that, I subsisted on bagels & cream cheese with cut-up vegetables, taco salad, the occasional baked chicken breast, and spaghetti. And restaurant food, when I wanted something warm and filling.

But no more: I can cook. I can bake. I know many of the rules therein. Looking at a recipe doesn't intimidate me like it used to.

And so, this past Christmas week, when we wanted waffles for breakfast, I tinkered with a recipe from my favorite cookbook, How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman --- and ended up with a scrumptious masterpiece. I may be bragging, but they were definitely the best waffles I've ever eaten. Period.

Fabulous Whole Wheat Waffles

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
2 cups yogurt
2 TBSP honey
2 eggs, separated
4 TBSP (1/2 stick) butter
1/2 tsp vanilla extract


  • Mix the dry ingredients
  • Mix the wet ingredients, holding back the egg whites
  • Mix wet and dry together
  • Beat the egg whites until you see soft peaks (I used my handy-dandy non-electric hand-mixer, where I actually turn the crank - it belonged to our beloved former Minneapolis neighbor, Wilburn. The amount of tools he bequeathed us is astounding, and we use them practically every day.)
  • Add the airy whites gently to the batter
  • Cook, eat, then smack your lips and ask for more


  1. I love to do up home-made waffles, too!! And my fave part is making the egg whites into peaks...with the old-fashioned egg beater. I should try out your recipe...or better yet, just read "How to Cook Everything", since I got it for my bday!

  2. Ooooo . . . I was just talking to Tanya about how I needed to research a new recipe! I'll try yours, thanks! And, hey, great job on the cooking strides. Freedom, eh? (not to mention better eating.) Merry Christmas! -Sandy

  3. Mmm... Those sound really good. I'll have to try them around here for a nice change of pace from pancakes. :)

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  4. just tried them. yum! thx. -sandy

  5. My wife dowloads Mark Bittman podcasts off the NYT site. Check them out. He is funny, and all the recipes are quick, tasty, and pretty healthy.


  6. I got HTCE for Christmas... it's my new go-to general cooking reference.
