Friday, March 27, 2009

Bright spots in gray days

Walking Iris aka Apostle Plant

I love having tropical houseplants. They usually bloom when the soul and mind need it most - the dreary winter and spring months when everything outside is varying shades of brown.

The Walking Iris blooms over a number of weeks and is lightly fragrant (putting your nose right into the flower is heavenly). New flowers come from the same flower stalk, and eventually produces a new little plantlet. Each bloom lasts only a day, popping open in the morning and shriveled by the evening hours. I love the purple/yellow color combination.

(Email me if you want a division!)


  1. Beautiful! How do you keep a tropical environment for them?

    My poor fern hates the cold dry winter.

  2. We absolutely want a division! I was going to go try to find it before I got to the end of you email. Will it survive in the mail?
