Wednesday, January 13, 2010



I've been slogging through A Tree Grows in Brooklyn for an entire month now and I don't know how much more I can take. On one hand, it has given me a variety of ideas to contemplate (poverty, cruelty); but for the most part, I simply dread picking it up each and every time, to go through more of the drudgery of nothing happening, ever. It just drones on and on and on.

(I'm going to stick with it, though. I will see this book through, if it takes me forever and a day!)


I also just finished reading The Secret Garden aloud to Diego. We both enjoyed the book until the middle-end when it became a tedious job just to get through. It went on and on and on; reading it aloud became a tongue-twister with the seemingly endless sentences and the verbal jumping-jacks required by the almost constant conversation in the "broad Yorkshire" dialect. It was enough to do me in!

And this was one of my favorite books from childhood...

Diego liked it, though; and even when his attention went a little hazy, he would ask questions or make comments that made me realize he was sticking with me. And so I lumbered on. And on. And on. And on and on and on.

I'm having a bit of a depression in my zest and enjoyment for reading. It's mind-numbing. I feel like my head is concave.

But just one look at this and my brain melts back into a malleable unit. I love these little fellers.

My little boys . . . such good daddies to their baby Ewoks


  1. First: You just need a great fast read to get you back in the 'loving reading' groove. That always does it for me. You read some pretty dry stuff girl. (and I worship you for it, and wish I could too) Like: the classic The Good Earth, or shorter: Gap Creek. I just read Snow Island great, well written, but a lot of loss.

    Second: The costumes crack me up. Benjamin, even at the age of 10 still crams into miscellaneous costumes that fit him 5 years ago. It's hilarious and dear. Love it.

    Third: There will be a time when your boys are off to school (unless you homeschool?) and you are hard pressed to find time to read to them. Such as life with a 5th grader who read enormous books on his own, but I still long to fit in experiencing a book together. You gonna homeschool?

  2. First: Yesssss, you are so right. I need something easy-breezy to get me back on track. I have The Good Earth, and it was a book that my husband profoundly enjoyed. Maybe I'll try that one. I did just pick up a whole stack of bee-keeping books from the library today. (!!!) I may not be able to resist them.

    I read dry books? LOL, that cracks me up, big-time. I suppose they are (?), but I am thrilled by most of them. So serious. Hee! :)

    Second: Benjamin "cramming". That is too cute. I've been noticing that costumes are a BIG hit with the kiddos, so my goal is to always have at least one on hand that fits Diego. I wonder if I will have to start making my own...? I'm keeping my eye out at thrift stores, but so many of them seem to fit 2 year olds. I've got to keep at it, though - dressing up spurs the imagination so beautifully!

    Third: Yes, definitely. I am so drawn to the idea of homeschooling - the flexibility of time and space is very, very appealing. The very thought of it thrills me.

    What kinds of books is Benjamin reading right now? Do you guys still read together?

    I just love this whole first, second, third business! I'm glad you're back blogging - I've missed you. :)

  3. The most hilarious book I ever read to Benjamin was Matilda by Ronald Dahl. If you don't mind a little magic and that Matilda 'get's back' at cruel adults it was so hysterical -- I'd never read it, heard about it, seen the movie, so I was totally surprised. I was laughing so hard at points I literally couldn't read aloud .... I haven't been carving out time (I've tried numerous times) to read ... with homework, sports, math club and student council etc., and it's a battle ... plus, because of our boys 5 years age difference I always struggle with WHAT to read. I've read with Benjamin and Victor reads with Ripley ...
    Benjamin has just finished The Rats of Nimh, he loved the whole Eragon series, Percy Jackson and The Olympians series, Johnny Tremain, The Wrinkle in Time series ... He loves sci-fi, fantasy, adventure. I read The Other Side of the Mountain to him, and he read the other two in the series ... he loved those too.

  4. P.S. - Sales right after Halloween are the best time for great deals on costumes!
