Sunday, February 07, 2010

Punctuated with, "Really?" and "Yeah, that's a good one!"

Mama: "What would you want to name our new baby when we have one?"
Truen: "Mmmmm...Joey!"
Diego: "Colorado!"
Truen: "Puppy Dog!"
Diego: "No, I know what we can name her - Pretty Piggy."
Truen: "Baby Teebo!"
Diego: "No wait, you haven't heard this one before - Pretty Penny!"



  1. Ok. Seriously thought you were announcing a pregnancy. Not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed that this is how I was being told. Your boys are c-u-t-e!

  2. Thought you were making an announcement :) Cute! My kids wanted to name our current baby in my tummy, Jack if it's a boy and Sarah (after the neighbor's dog)if it's a girl! We found out that it is a girl and they are sure we're going to name her Sarah, sorry guys, not naming the little girl after a dog! :)
