Monday, August 02, 2010

Our "guesteses", as Diego says

Hooooooola, estoy aquí!

I've gone AWOL because my parents and sister have been staying with us for the past week. Needless to say, the boys are thrilled and have been thoroughly enjoying their grandparents and auntie (aka "Uncle Jayna" just because it sounds better -- we also have an "Uncle Ashley" and "Uncle Brenda").

It has been a good visit. ♥

Here are a few pictures from some of the festivities.

The first night
I finally figured out how to make a killer Asian noodle soup --
stock, soy sauce, fish sauce, scallions, bean sprouts
and lots of olive oil mixed in with everything.

The boys with their Great-Grands --
Diego's 5th birthday.

Cooling down with Grandpa --
watching the magic show at the County Fair.

Doing a Transformers Puzzle with Grandma
(circa 1985 - a birthday present from his Daddy)

Truen with one of our Black Swallowtail caterpillars.
We are rearing 4 Monarch caterpillars
and have had 4 Black Swallowtail in chrysalis form --
Two have metamorphosed into butterflies in the last two days.

Hiking at the Prairie Preserve --
we were haaaaaaaaaht.

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