Thursday, September 09, 2010

Food preservation and garden notes

  • I am canning salsa verde (a.k.a. roasted tomatillo salsa) today.
  • Our big juicy tomatoes were a total blow-out this year, due to wallowing in weeds -- so while I might have canned salsa verde anyway, that's all she wrote, folks.  For this year at least.  No "regular" salsa.  Or tomato sauce.  (Wah!)
  • Note to selves: though this pregnancy wasn't neccessarily planned, and we didn't know I would be wiped out for 2 months, it is better to do a smaller amount very well vs. stretching ourselves to more than we can handle.  Though really, if I had been up to speed, things may have been different.
  • Little Truen is obsessed with tomatillos, in the fact that he finds great joy in peeling the husks off of them. 
  • He helped me husk the entire vat with pleasure.
  • Canning with two little ones around is an all-day process.  I've spent most of the day helping them with their big project (making Daleks out of toilet paper rolls w/ egg carton heads and straw guns) and slowly prepping -- washing cilantro, husking tomatillos, washing jars, choosing the garlic, etc.
  • Up next: pepper picking and onion retrieval from the drying station in one of the outbuildings -- old screens out by the chicken coop.
  • I've realized that the gains in my maturity and experience levels have helped me greatly in this endeavor.  In the past, I might have quit before I started, because it would have been just too overwhelming.  But now I can look at the task, understand what I need to do, and parse it out into manageable segments.  I like that.
  • I also realize that I'm not chasing a baby or a toddler, which definitely assists greatly to the feasibility of the whole project.
  • I wonder what next year will be like...?
and one non-tomatillo note:
  • Squeeze and I are smitten by this season's buttercup squash -- we can't get enough.  Just add butter and salt and you have the most satisfying scrum-diddly ever.
11:17 PM UPDATE:
  • Seven quarts!

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