Friday, August 12, 2011

11 years

Lexington Apartments (Blaine's place)
I've always loved this picture --
and I still have that shirt.

Gooseberry Falls, Two Harbors, MN
Photo taken by LSJF

Snowed in and LOVING it --
It ended up being the Four Days of Christmas.
Lovely, just lovely.

Diego's 6th birthday
No longer just the Two of Us . . . 
Now we are the Five of Us

It is nice to be married in 2000, because I never have to do the math.  It is 11 years today (+ 4 = 15 years total, yowza).  I feel happy, settled, understood. 

Our relationship feels like a comfortable and colorful pair of woolen socks on a chill night under the stars.  Immature fights are a thing of the past, his smile and scent is home, and we are just as intrigued by each other and the things around us as ever. 

Only now it includes three bright and bellowing boys bouncing all over us.


  1. I NEED that latest family photo. I love it!!!! It could be my favourite (yes, I'm Canadian, Eh) yet. I can't believe how big Jamie is. And how grown up Truen looks. And Diego is 6???? Woops.

    Congratulations! Can't wait to see you. Less than a month.

  2. happy anniversary!! lsjf
