Friday, May 31, 2013

Brand-new baby borealis, yet unnamed

 8 lbs 3 oz :: 22 inches long :: one hour old
Born at home at 2:13 AM on 5.31.13
He is the exact same weight (but an inch longer) than Baby Diego --
We think he looks a lot like Truen as a newborn.
♥ His hair is dark and little tendrils curl upward ♥
He has a good latch and took to nursing like an old pro.

The next morning: 
Meeting the two biggest brudders for the first time.
They were so excited!
We went to bed "as usual" last night and they slept through everything
They went to G&G borealis' for the day today . . . 
the solitude is divine.

 Big brudder Diego got to hold him first --
He ooooh'd and ahhhhh'd over all his little baby parts.

 Big brudder Truen held him second --
He was particularly interested in his little hands and feet.

 Big brudder Jamie held him third --
He tapped his little nose gently and seemed very interested and pleased.

 Surrounded by boy-ohs

First family picture --
I love all the action in this shot.
Jamie was cranky because we took his "papo" out.


  1. Yay!! I checked my email before the blog and I was so sad there wan't an update yet. But he is here!!!!!!! And he looks too sweet for words. Glad you, Dada, and the babe had a day of solitude.

    My heart is bursting with love and tenderness for you and your family. O so so much love.

  2. Okay, I am no done. The big brudders look so proud and adorable. And big! Funny how a little baby makes everyone else look so much bigger and older. And look at the size of Jamie's hands!

    The babe has such a perfect and tiny head. And delicious cheeks.

    And you had a baby! Look at you!!! You look fabulous!

    And then there were four little men in your life.


  3. And just like that! There he is!! Wow, you guys make exceptionally attractive little boys. So, so cute. Congratulations!!
