Monday, July 21, 2014

Photo Blow-out (all blurry and it has been too long, but still)

 Yi-ya's chocolate brown curls are so sweet.
The fellas were throwing balls down the walk.

 Accidental wren nest raiders:
Mice usually live in that particular bird house. 

 G&G O. came for a visit in late June.
Grandpa is funny!

 Babies are no match for this Grandma.

 On the front step at my grandparents' open house:
Diego looks like such a giant compared to the rest.
My grandparents are summering with my aunt & uncle in WI now --
I am so pleased about the potential for easier access. 

 Late-afternoon zonkfest.

 That sneaky little devil Truen.

 Too many pictures result in some interesting shots.

On their way to their first movie theater experience.
Truen barfed on the way home from too much popcorn --
Amazingly, he had the presence of mind to puke into his popcorn bag. 

 The 4th of July
Diego danced with his sparklers this year.

 E-yi-ya wanted to do sparklers too --
Thankfully he was just as pleased with the cast-off riff-raff.

 I love the sun and action in this shot.
Too bad it's blurry.  That dratted seagull.

 The various poses in this shot crack me up as well.
Jamie's shirt says "Hola Amigo" and is now
a phrase commonly heard at our house these days.

One more of Eliah --
He's just a'nudder brudder now.

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