Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Homeschooling: Year 7

It appears my blogging has been cut back to twice a year.

I'm not even going to go into my lack of solitude or "free time".  Blah blah blah. That is old news.  Instead, I'll pick up where I left off.

We are starting our seventh year of official homeschooling.  It feels amazing, this complex structure, built over the years.  I couldn't have imagined it, but each year truly builds on the last and the elements come together quite naturally.

This year is a big difference from any other year, as Diego, now 13 years old, is reading at level.  This means that I am actually assigning him to read his own books.  Up until this point, I have read everything aloud.

This is perfect timing, because with Jamie in Year 2 this year, I wasn't sure how I was going to juggle reading 25 books aloud.  It was a fairly heavy load for me last year, which was easier than this year.

As it is, I am letting Diego ease into it slowly, and have assigned seven books for him to read to himself.  I am reading the other five aloud for the group.  In addition, I've always had Diego and Truen in the same year, so with this, I am having Truen listen to two of the books on audio . . . and have totally fallen off the bandwagon with three of the other books.  (I've got to get on that.)

With that preface, here's what we're going this year:

Modified Ambleside Online Y6
Diego (13), Truen (11)
  1. The Story of the Greeks - H.A. Grueber
  2. Augustus Caesar's World - Genevieve Foster
  3. Ben Hur - Lew Wallace
  4. Never Give In - Stephen Mansfield (Diego)
  5. Never Cry Wolf - Farley Mowat
  6. Material World: A Global Family Portrait - D'Alusio & Menzel
  7. What the World Eats - D'Alusio & Menzel
  8. The Mystery of the Periodic Table - Benjamin Wiker (Diego)
  9. The Sea Around Us - Rachel Carson
  10. The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom - Theodore Gray (Diego)
  11. Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity - Robert Cwiklik (Diego)
  12. Myths Every Child Should Know - Hamilton Wright Mabie (Diego)
  13. The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien (Diego)
  14. Poetry of Robert Frost (Diego)
Modified Ambleside Online Y2
Jamie (7), Eliah, in on the ride (5) (read aloud)
  1. The Story of the World, Vol. 1: Ancient Times - Susan Wise Bauer
  2. This Country of Ours - H.E. Marshall
  3. The Little Duke - Charlotte Yonge
  4. Never Cry Wolf - Farley Mowat
  5. Tree in the Trail - Holling C. Holling
  6. The Burgess Animal Book for Children - Thornton Burgess
  7. Tales from Shakespeare - Tina Packard
  8. Understood Betsy - Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  9. Poetry of Walter De La Mare
Circle Time
Everyone (read aloud, sung, recited together)
  1. Shakespeare: Henry V
  2. Plutarch: Julius Caesar
  3. OT/NT Bible
  4. Folk Song: Cockles and Mussels (Molly Malone)
  5. Hymn: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
  6. Book of North American Birds
  7. The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse - Thornton Burgess
  8. Getting Started with Latin - William E. Linney
  9. Oxford First Ancient History
  10. Earthworms - Dorothy Childs Hogner
  11. Artist: John Constable
  12. Composer: Carl Maria von Weber 

Morning Lessons
  1. MEP Math: Y2 (very end): Diego & Truen
  2. MEP Math: Y1 (very beginning): Jamie
  3. Piano Adventures Primer Level: Jamie
  4. Phonics: Jamie & Eliah
  5. Nature Study
  6. Drawing Practice
  7. Copwork/Cursive

Oh my garsh, no wonder why my head is spinning every day.

I can't even believe it, all written out. But is is happening. And almost every day.

Insert wink-emoji here.

Ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. I was visiting some of the blogs linked to my old blog. . . of all of them so far, yours is the only one updated this year! Most are completely defunct. I knew that ol' school blogging was over, but was really surprised anyway at how many links were dead.

    We're back to using AO with the little ones. (My youngest of my first four graduates this year!)

