Friday, August 31, 2007


I'm thinking about breaking my addiction to chapstick/lip gloss/lip balm/blahblahblah. Now. Today. I am so sick and tired of slavishly looking for it 25 times a day and feeling uncomfortable and out of sorts if my lips are dry (which is all the time). It is a curse!

I had a friend years back, when I wasn't ready to quit the addiction, who quit cold-turkey. She just stopped. She said it was a couple of weeks of torture [GAK!!], but hadn't used it since. I'm seriously considering joining her ranks and saying, "Enough!". I've had enough. At one point in high school, when I thought it was really cool to put lotion on my hands and legs -- was I the only one? -- I felt similarly about being lotion-less. But I eventually got sick of that, too, and quit. Now I use lotion on a semi-yearly basis. I truly believe I can kick my chapstick addiction with similar results. I mean, really -- were our bodies built to be enslaved to petroleum-based products slathered on our lips? My bet is NO. And is it even good for us, to have that soaking in through our skin and/or swallowed all day long? I doubt it.

But the question begs to be asked: can I handle it? Can I take the 1-2 weeks of sheer mania? I...I...I...I think I can. I haven't put any chapstick on today, if that tells you anything. It is [unfortunately] one of the first things I do in the morning, right before bed, and in the middle of the night too. Oh, and after breakfast, and 20 minutes later, and a half hour after that, and...the list literally never ends. I'm sick of it!

Chapstick, I'm done with you!! I think. [Gulp]

1 comment:

  1. You've inspired me to try the same thing! I'm going to try going lip-balm-free as well. It's going to be tough, though, since I have it everywhere: desk, car, nightstand, kitchen, etc. etc. I'll let you know how it goes! & I don't like lotioning much, either!!
