Wednesday, September 05, 2007


It's Day 6. I'm still uncomfortable -- it isn't pure torture like this weekend was, but it is still quite unpleasant. My friend told me it took her a couple of weeks. Many, many days. A fortnight, maybe more? I can't wait to balance out a bit and feel more normal.

This post might be entirely dedicated lips and chapstick.
Very interesting....right.

Starbeans didn't nap today, so it was go-go-go. I guess it kept my mind off my lips. A little.

Non-chapstick related news: While Starbeans and I were snuggling this morning [we snuggle every morning when we first wake up], he said, "Potty...potty...potty". We went straight to the bathroom, stripped down his [dry] night diaper, and he proceeded to pee on the pot. Excellent, little man. Excellent.

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