Monday, September 24, 2007


We are in the midst of potty training, I think. My SIL & BIL finally got so exasperated with their 3 year old, who had shown no sign of interest in potty training (actually, probably anti-interest), that they started bare-butt potty training him a couple of weeks ago. The last I heard, he had no peeing incidents and only pooped on the floor twice. It has also sparked his interest and has been feeling pretty proud of his accomplishments.

We talked about it and thought that if we were actually going to do it, things should start well before the baby is born; so, on what seemed the fly, we started. Last Tuesday. He has been diaperless for the entire week, except for the Night Diaper, naps, and going outside. Ha! We've only been in public twice, as I haven't had access to a car for 3-4 weeks now. He is doing very well and like I said, I think we're potty training. I'm not sure what happens from here or how long it takes, but I can tell you that he is peeing and pooping in his potty chair the vast majority of the time (he has both pooped and peed on the floor a couple of times, but nothing to freak out about). Squeeze has been very helpful and supportive, which 1) kicked the ball off, and 2) has encouraged me to persevere. Thanks, babe. [LOL - I never call him babe.]

Starbeans has even peed in the potty chair 3-4 times without my supervision. Once, my back was turned for less than 1 minute and when I swiveled around, he was getting off his chair and sure enough: there was pee in it. The other times I've been out of the room and he has either been by himself (or in one instance, with my friend, Mimi, who visited this weekend) and he sat down on his own volition and went. Amazing. The night before last, I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and I instructed him that if he had to go potty, to go in the chair, blahblahblah. [We are talking about this all day long, I could repeat the lines in my sleep.] After a little bit, he came running into the bathroom shouting, "Potty! Potty! Potty!" and brought me to the spot where the potty was; I was wincing a little bit, thinking it might be the floor, but he brought me straight to his little puddle in the potty chair. He was very proud of himself. I was endlessly pleased, because it seems as if the connections are being laid in his brain.

Every time, aside from clapping and whoot-whooting our celebrations, we are making a very big deal about bringing it to the Big Potty, dumping it in, saying bye-bye, and flushing. We even both carry it. [Ack, what if he tripped??] We have a seat for the Big Potty too, so if we are in the vicinity of the bathroom, I can just plop him on that. Otherwise, we have a Baby Bjorn potty chair that stays where we are: the living room, the kitchen, the bedroom, upstairs. It has been quite handy. I like how I can just pull the chamber out and dump it: the design is so simple. There is no funny-business or finagling, trying to get it in place. [Thanks for picking that up at a garage sale for me last spring, Mimi -- it's great!]

I guess we will keep on track from here and then move to wearing underwear? I'll keep you posted. If any mamas have advice or would like to share their experiences with me, please do. I am very interested in what the future may hold.

9:57 AM Update of Extreme Irony:
Just as I was finishing this inspirational post, Starbeans may have laid the biggest crap on record in his Night Diaper. Yes, the irony stings. He woke up, came out into the living room and instead of snuggling with me as he usually does, he just kind of hung out by the bedroom door, rolling on the ground. After a couple of minutes, he walked down towards the sun room; I followed after a couple of seconds, asked him if he wanted a morning snuggle and then smelled it. Yes, yes, yes. Just when I open my big mouth, things go haywire. LOL!!

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