Thursday, January 10, 2008

Brothers: A Comparison

Starbeans at 10 weeks

Pumpkin at 12 weeks

I can hardly stand all the cuteness in this post. Two things strike me as adorably humorous in these pictures. First of all, Starbeans was 2 weeks younger than Pumpkin in his picture. Secondly, these layette gowns are, quite literally, the exact same size. I knew we had a chunk the first time around, but now I really know!

I have other pictures of Pumpkin in this series: laughing, smiling, and grinning; but I had to post this one, as their arms are in inverse positions. It is just so cute.

Lastly, doesn't my MIL make amazing baby blankets?? She doesn't go from a pattern; she creates the little animal herself and then goes with the flow. I think they are just darling. She has made a blanket with matching stuffed animals & bibs for every grandchild. Pumpkin is #12


  1. Hi!! I've been so busy I haven't commented in a while but this one was just too cute not to say something :) Your boys look a lot alike but I too was noticing the girth on Starbeans in this photo :) And those blankets are simply amazing! I want a grandma like that ;) Maybe when I'm a grandma I will have the time to make beautiful blankets like those, blessings!

  2. Cute. Cute. Cute! I have pictures of the three little kids in the exact same outfit at the same age. It's fun to really see the similarities and differences among siblings. Your little men are adorable.
