Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wee Fang, wolf-baby


Pumpkin has been in the throes of teething his canines. Besides days-on-end of clinging, crying, and fever (poor thing), the only kink in what seems to be a normal, albeit, horrible teething experience, is that he has no other upper teeth. Wee Fang will not be an overly-dramatic nickname for the little fella, because - well, he'll have fangs. [And you know me - I love stuff like this!!]

Wee. Fang.

It started Saturday, when he bawled his little eyes out if I even tried to set him down. This continued into Sunday. Because he already has his two bottom teeth, I kept on looking for bulging gums where the two front teeth should be growing in. Nothing. Strange, because Diego's bulged for weeks before anything popped through. But I kept faithfully looking and feeling, especially once he started refusing to sleep unless I was by his side (that was Monday). AND a fever started. Nary a swollen front toothy. Nothing.

Monday night, he was like a little furnace in bed - hot to the touch and nursing at least every hour, maybe more often than that. His temp that morning was 101.8 - poor thing. It was that afternoon that I started expanding my search, which led to the discovery of bulging canines. The cuspids!! I've read that they are the hardest to teeth [not sure why] so the last few days started making more sense. His fever subsided in the mid-afternoon, allowing him to act almost-normal throughout the evening - but came back again in the middle of the night. Yesterday morning his fever was 102.5, the poor little fiery babe. [I am so thankful for the pacifier-thermometer...what an ingenious device!]

They are just starting to push their way through his gums, so I don't have any photographic evidence to offer. This is aside the fact that I am hard-pressed to even get a good look at them - he will hardly let me lift his lip to see. My poor wolfie.

In happier days

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. I've been wondering what signs to look for with teething. Wee Fang is sooooo cute! Hope he feels better soon!
