Sunday, August 10, 2008

News involving weddings and waxings

  • I will be a groomswoman in my brother's wedding this month.
  • That means I will be the fanciest and nicest-smelling I've been in, literally, years.
  • It also means that I will be waxing the leg and pit hairs that I've so lovingly grown for, well, years (yet again). I haven't shaved my pits since Diego was a baby. I gave up shaving the old legs during my first pregnancy; but before that it was only once a week during in the summer. [It gives me a pseudo-tan. LOL]
  • My mom is going to do the deed: the waxing.
  • She's enthusiastically looking forward to it - mostly, it seems, because the hair is so long that it is perfect for a home-brew of wax-o-rama. She's been dropping hints for awhile now.
  • Maybe she'll wax my eyebrows too.
  • I tried once, but burnt the crap out of my skin with my too-hot home-brew.
  • Muver?
  • Speaking of weddings, I will be married 8 years on Tuesday.
  • 4 years this autumn with children [including pregnancy] -
  • 4 years without.
  • Almost 4 years together pre-nuptial.
  • 4 + 4 + 4 = 12


  1. you crack me up!!! Wish I could see you, the kids and your clean arm pits in Oct:( Too much $$ for both of us to fly out. :( Congrats on 8 years!

  2. Bah!!! But I want to see you!

  3. Happy Anniversary!

    And good luck with the waxing.. Ouch!
