Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Here I am!

I can't believe it has already been a week since my last post.  Or that Little Jamie is two weeks old!  Or that, in the fact that my life is so busy that I am still only two-thirds of the way done writing my birth story in the baby book, most of it involves the simple act of sitting around and nursing or patting a little babe's back. 

Or giving his older brothers attention.  Or napping to recover lost sleep.  Or trying to keep us all fed.  Or changing and/or washing diapers.  Or trying to find the time to fit in a healing comfrey and sea salt bath.

In the midst of it all, I am getting to know Little Jamie and remembering how to mother a newborn again.  I love how he gets so sleepy after being awake a half-hour.  He bleats out the most pathetic little cries, obviously in need of yet another nap.  It's just so cute.

He's sleeping in the sling right now, snuggled up on my chest.

I love the way he smells, all the sweet little grunts and snorts he makes, his lamb-like mewls, flailing limbs, softer-than-soft skin, and when he is awake and stares all around in his quiet-alert state.  I love how he grunts like a little animal when he is threatening to wake up.

I love how Diego and Truen caress his head softly and seems genuinely entertained by their baby brother and how Diego cracks up when the babe belches.  I love Squeeze's affectionate baby talk and sweet snuggles.

Posts about Jamie will be filed under the "Danie Blizzard" label on my blog.  Danie Blizzard, in honor of the most outrageously funny name created by my brother and SIL in this post, It's a Boy! while waiting for us to finally figure one out.  Abdul Danie Blizzard.  That one made me laugh for days on end! 

Danie is also my dad's name, which makes the reference even more precious.  We were considering it for a middle name, but Jamie Danie just didn't sound right in the end.

That's a wrap.


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