Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Where we live


  1. W-O-W!!!!!! So beautiful!

    Happy Thanksgiving!



  2. Wow, what a perfect pastoral scene. I like it. Hope you guys had a nice holiday!!!

  3. What a gorgeous spot! Do you manage that large field yourselves?! How wonderful.

  4. Oh-no-no-no...that is our view to the south. We only have 15 acres. It is definitely a lovely view.

  5. Thanks for posting that! I love to see where you live! It's amazing! You own ALL that land? Also Eric's dad wanted to give us a pig for Christmas--all cut up like that...but we don't know where we are going to put it. We don't have a freezer. Did you think the meat had more flavor? AND I am the same way about sickness. It's good to know there are others who do that kind of prevention! :) Hope everyone stays healthy!

  6. No, no, no...that last picture is our view to the south. We only have 15 acres. During the summer, that is miles and miles of corn. I wish it was waving grass...I think that owuld be so much prettier.

    And I would say YES, the meat is definitely more flavorful. There is a difference. Juicier and...more savory, I think. I can't decribe it exactly.
