Monday, November 19, 2007

In the groove

Aren't they sweet? I feel very good about where we are at right now: we finally have a rhythm down and caring for two kids each day seems normal. Weeee're back [to normal]! It feels so good. I think it just took a couple of weeks to get in the groove, as well as the emotional and mental adjustments. For me, this is how it went: the first week is Show-off week (the high); the second, Reality Check; the third, Adjusting; and the fourth, Home Free. I think. Just leave it to me to open my big mouth, and then my whole world will come crashing down. But seriously, I really do think we are in the clear.

Pumpkin has been much more alert with each passing day. He is awake 4-5 hours a day, 1-2 in the morning, 2-3 in the evenings. He is starting to look around too, instead of just staring straight ahead. It is so irresistible; I just want to smooch him. He definitely likes to be upright when he's awake. He also loves the sling. I had forgotten what a wonderful thing my Maya Wrap is. Pumpkin sits/stands/snuggles upright in it for the most part (when we go outside I have him wrapped in a thick blanket and in a lying down position), and quietly looks around while I'm going about my day; then, when he gets tired, he slowly drifts off and sleeps contentedly. I would say he is in the sling probably 80% of the day. I put him down now and then, mostly just to give my back a rest or to accomplish a task that will be done more quickly without slinging a baby around. It is great. I really enjoy the closeness it provides: I am able to get things done and attend to Starbeans, all while holding (slinging) my baby around. It keeps him content and it makes me happy too. I don't know what I'd do without it. [My arms would probably be very sore...because it just isn't in me to keep in in a rocker or swing. I like him on me at almost all times.]

Hey Vicky, today I looked at the clock at 11:11 twice. We still have a couple of clocks that we haven't turned back from daylight savings - I looked at our bedroom clock at 11:11 (at 10:11) and then at the kitchen clock at 11:11 (at 11:11). Can you believe it?? Spoooooky.


  1. Pumpkin is getting so big! At least he looks bigger.
    I'm glad you have adjusted and are enjoying you boys. The Maya Wrap sounds wonderful.

  2. Glad to hear things are going well! The boys are adorable! For me, the best part of having two kids is watching them interact and seeing the love that is there between them! You can totally see that in those pics and read it between the lines in all your posts! I LOVE IT!!!

  3. RE: My Turkey ... Thank you! Well it seems you can get a better deal where you're from! My beautiful bird cost $45! It's quite the scene getting one -- police men directing traffic and everything. There is another one just north of me -- theirs are about the same price. Not only do the local free-range turkeys taste better, but they cook faster. Weird eh? Makes you wonder. ... Anyway, after years of debacles ... waiting for birds that never seemed to cook ... I've finally gotten over my fear and have experienced success. It's really not that hard. And, speaking of a quick easy meal for the family! Veggies on the bottom - bird on top -- then the next day ... SOUP! And yes, the whole "eat local" movement is very exciting! A life line for the small farmer as well.

    OK -- anyway, I'm so glad to receive your email -- I was linked to your blog after hearing a segment on NPR about plastics. So, through your blog I was connected to Klean Canteen and have ordered several for the whole family. You have a lot of great info -- so thank you!! I'm (embarrassingly) new with my environmental efforts -- it's exciting. Thank you for inspiring both my sister-in-law and me. I'm hoping to enlarge my garden for next year and have a stack of books from the library about organic gardening, etc., etc. Would love to hear more from you about your "root cellar" efforts. A cool thing to put on your blog. (Did you ever read the book Gap Creek? Root cellars remind me of their fight to make it through the mountain winters) I would also like to try canning.

    Well, I wanted to reply to your email -- before Thanksgiving. But, now I must go and bake!
    (oh - glad you like the scarf -- do you knit? -- i saw the beret watching the movie The Chronicles of Narnia with my now 8 year old - the youngest girl had it on. i loved it! i looked online to see if i could find a pattern -- the costume crew found the pattern from the 1920's ...more on that later ...

  4. Sandstone:

    Hi again!

    No, I don't knit; but I'm insanely jealous of my friends that do. One of these years...

    Funny: I could tell that someone from MA was spending a lot of time on my blog recently (from site meter). Once I saw people starting to come to my blog this from yours this past week and I looked at your profile, I realized it was you. Cool! I'm glad you have found the information so useful. That is the beautiful thing about the web - one can find people and experiences that you might not be able to find within your own sphere. I think it helps people along on their journeys name it. Being new to Going Green...that's no shame! At least you're on track. That is more than some people can say! The more we talk about it, the more ideas will spread and hopefully...we can create a greater change.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy that lovely turkey. [My job for our gathering is to make the cranberry sauce. I can't wait for the smorgasbord!]
