Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thar she blows

Remember how I said that I was involved in a project to start a Friends of the Library group in our town? Yes, well. Our first meeting is Tuesday.

In the last two weeks, we (the librarian and I) have joined FOLUSA, conducted a pre-meeting meeting to for strategy and preparation, adapted bylaws and a mission statement for the group, written up an agenda, and tomorrow morning we are going to tour the building we have our sights set on. But perhaps more importantly, we have 20+ people signed up for the first meeting, with 5 more unable to attend. Amazing. You could definitely say that the time was ripe.

I am leading the meeting, which is a little intimidating for me; because while I am used to leading meetings within my expertise, I also expect that in a town of 703 most people will probably know each other (and not me). I'm not sure if being an outsider will play to my advantage or disadvantage. I'm not sure exactly how to approach them, or whether I should even worry about it. Whatever the case may be, I plan to make a solid showing. It will be interesting... I will report back to you on Wednesday and let you know how it goes.


  1. How wonderful a.B! I can't wait to hear how the mtg. goes. You will do a fine fine job as leader - friendly, welcoming, entertaining! Way to take initiative :)

  2. Way to go! How exciting to see such enthusiasm for such a great project! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!
