Monday, December 12, 2011

Root Cellar 2011

From top to bottom:
Blaine's homemade wine
Pickled onions, tomato aspic, grape jam, salsa verde, apple sauce, tomato sauce
Kimchi, pickled peppers, cantaloupe pickles, fermented salsa
Tomato remnants, fermented sweet pickles, sauerkraut
Apples (in box on floor)


Glamour shots:
Pickled onions, tomato aspic, grape jam

More glamour!
Blaine's gorgeous wines

We also have a good number of boxes filled with carrots and potatoes, but that isn't quite as beautiful.  Additionally, our apple harvest was pretty small this year; otherwise we would have had more storage boxes filled to the brim.  Onions, garlic, and squash are all upstairs in cool, dry conditions.  Dehydrated green beans, zucchini, plum tomatoes, celery, and herbs are in kitchen cupboards for easy access.

Looking at these pictures, I am amazed at how different it looks from years' past.  I didn't even post a picture last year, because it was so pitiful.  I remember being embarrassed by it!  Both our tomato and apple crops were a blow-out in 2010, which lessened the output.  I didn't ferment as much (more on that in the future).  I was pregnant, but that doesn't seem like it should stop my production.  And I don't think I was able to get my hands on as many grapes. 

But I digress...
Here is 2009 for comparison.

1 comment:

  1. bea.ti.ful. love your shots of this kind of stuff and that picture of Jamie--he is getting SO big and reminds me of Truen. Your kids are all so gorgeous! seriously.
