Monday, November 18, 2013

Root Cellar: 2013

So pretty!  This year's hard work --
Top shelf: Blaine's wines
2nd shelf: jams, lemon curd, BBQ sauce, apple butters, tomato sauce
3rd shelf: tomatillo salsa, pickled green tomatoes, lemon cuke pickles, salsa, apple sauce
Bottom shelf: pickled onions, sour pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut
Some of the shelves are already getting picked over.  Can you tell?

Behind the shelf --
Celery in sand, cabbages in bins.
Bottom shelf: sauerkraut, sour pickles, pickled onions.
And evidence that the root cellar doubles 
as a refrigerator in winter month with a big pot of soup.

I somehow managed to out-do myself this year with a 4 month old and three older brudders.  Un-un-un-un.  Accumulated experience certainly plays a role in this; however, my mind is still blown.  And of course, without the dedication of my husband taking care of the fellas, it just wouldn't happen.

As a sidenote: these pictures don't include the root cellared potatoes, carrots, tomatillos, or the remnants of the collards and kale waiting to be blanched and frozen.  Boxes and bags just aren't as pretty.

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